


赛事: 在线直播 ,热门关注欧洲杯足球赛幽默句子英语,2024欧洲杯直播,提供高清在线免费足球直播,让您尽情感受激烈的比赛现场,全程无插件免费观看直播,为您呈现最热门的在线观看足球赛事!



A: What is offside,kerry? B: A player is offside if he receives a forward pass from a teammate in the opponent"s half of the field,with fewer than two opponents between himself and the goal. A: How is a foul committed? B: If a player trips,kicks,strikes,obstructs or holds an opponent ,he"s committed a foul. A: What"s the penalty for it ? B: If it is merely a minor offence,the referee may award a free kick.For an intentional offence,the offender may be shown a yellow card.But if he repeats it intentionally,he may be shown the redcard.Then the player is sent off the field. A: Do you think it a good means to curb violence on the football field? B: Tto some extent,yes. A: When is penalty kick awarded? B: That"s when a serious foul is committed inside the penalty area.Why are you so interested in football today? A: I have got a ticket for the match between Argentina and Poland. A: 克里,什么叫越位? B: 在对方半场,本方队员向前传球时,接球队员与球门之间少于两名队员即为越位。 A: 什么情况构成犯规? B: 如果对方队员采用绊,踢,打,阻挡及拉人等手段即为犯规。 A: 如何处罚呢? B: 如果只是一般犯规,裁判员可判罚任意球。如果是故意犯规,犯规队员可能会被亮黄牌。如果两次有意犯规,可能就会被亮红牌,被罚下场。 A: 你认为这是阻止球场暴力的有效途径以? B: 从某种程度上来说,是的。 A: 什么时候罚点球? B: 在禁区内严重犯规时,就会被判罚点球。你今天怎么对足球这么感兴趣? A: 我弄到了一张阿根廷队对波兰队的票。 0


A Football match

In the morning of May 1st, a football match took place between Shen Hua Team and Guo An Team in the city stadium. When I got there the stand was already packed with spectators.

The match was exciting. A home player got hold of the ball and kicked it miles over the bar. Towards the end of the match, a forward got a chance to give the ball a hard kick and it skidded straight into the back of net over the goalkeeper.

The crowd went wild, laughing, jumping and shouting loudly.

When I was on my way home, my heart was still full of excitement.




For example, one Sunday I felt so tired after having a football match that I did not finish my homework even at night. 例如,一个星期天因为踢完一场足球比赛后我很疲惫,以至于晚上我也没完成家庭作业。 来自:从不拖到明天 Never Put Off Until Tomorrow Whst

Many boys play football there after school. 许多男孩放学后在那里踢足球。 来自:我们学校的变化 The Changes in Our School

For example, students can develop their team spirit and sense of competition by playing football or basketball. 比如,通过踢足球或者打篮球,学生可以培养他们的团队精神和竞争意识。 来自:课后活动 Activities after Class

And I like playing football with my classmates after class, it is funny. 放学后,我喜欢和同学一起踢足球,我觉得很有趣。 来自:我喜欢的运动 My Fvorite Sports

After class, we do not go home but play football with classmates. 放学后,我们不回家而是和同学一起踢足球。 来自:我的朋友My Best Friend

I learn many football skills from him. 我从他那里学到了很多技巧。 来自:我有一位好爸爸 I Have A Good Father

There are various activities, such as playing table tennis, playing football and so on. 有各种各样的活动,比如打乒乓球,踢足球等等。 来自:我喜欢体育课 I Love PE

Just when people began to wonder whether Ronaldo would be able to continue with his football career, he proved to the world that he still could play. 正当人们怀疑他是否能继续踢球的时候,他向全世界证明他风采依旧。


赛事: 在线直播

